🗃️ Shop Features
20 items
📄️ Command Alias
By default, QuickShop will register the command prefix below:
📄️ Databases
QuickShop-Hikari support H2 and MySQL two types of databases.
📄️ Economy Formatter
QuickShop use Economy Formatter to format balance to human readable text.
📄️ Interaction Manager
The Interaction Manager allows you to customize the click handler.
📄️ Item Expression
Hikari allows you to use a string to represent or match items.
📄️ Item Reference (Item Lookup)
In some situations, only use Material name is not enough.
📄️ Item Matcher
ItemMatcher is a utility used by QuickShop-Hikari to compare the items, it is the most important thing in whole system.
📄️ ItemStack Loader
ItemStack Loader is a workaround for loading the Bukkit ItemStack.
📄️ Localization
QuickShop-Hikari use client-language to display for players. All translations offered by volunteers on Crowdin.
📄️ Multi Currency
QuickShop-Hikari supports some Multi-Currency economy plugin or bridge plugin, but they're not out of the box, you must configure them to take effect.
📄️ Network and Proxy
Most of QuickShop-Hikari web requests doesn't use system proxy.
📄️ notifaction-system
📄️ Performance Tweaking
If you're running a larget network, you can tweak QuickShop-Hikari settings for better performance.
📄️ Placeholders
QuickShop-Hikari integrates with the PlaceHolderAPI and provides the ability to use PlaceHolders.
📄️ In game sounds and effects
When you typing and execute a quickshop command, you should hear the sounds like typewriter, it can be changed in config.yml.
📄️ Transaction System
QuickShop-Hikari have a system to ensure the transactional consistency, Avoid errors in the transaction process that destroy the data consistency of both parties.