歡迎來到 QuickShop-Hikari 的文件~
QuickShop Hikari 是 Minecraft 的商店插件,可以讓玩家建立箱子商店,讓玩家無需使用任何指令即可輕鬆向他人販賣和收購物品。
事實上,正常遊玩時甚至不需要 QuickShop 中的所有指令。
This version of QuickShop (Ghost-chu/QuickShop-Hikari) is a fork from PotatoCraft-Studio's version which itself is a fork from the Reremake of the original QuickShop.
QuickShop Hikari is maintained by Ghost-chu and has the goal to modernize the core content of QuickShop and adapt it to the latest versions of Minecraft.
如果想要幫助我們翻譯,請參見此處: https://crowdin.com/project/quickshop-hikari-documents
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