Network and Proxy
Most of QuickShop-Hikari web requests doesn't use system proxy.
User-Agent are unchangeable, it force hardcoded as:
QuickShop/<fork-name>-<version> Java/<java-version>
It looks like this:
QuickShop/Hikari- Java/17.0.3
Use HTTP proxy
In most cases, you won't need this, but in some countries, you might not access our cloud services like CrowdinOTA or Paste.
To configure http proxy, you need to add the arguments in your JVM startup command line.
java -Xmx4G ... <JVM FLAG> ... -jar server.jar nogui
Set proxy JVM flag
Without authentication
-Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyHost=<host> -Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyPort=<port>
With Basic authentication
-Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyHost=<host> -Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyPort=<port> -Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyUsername=<user> -Dcom.ghostchu.quickshop.QuickShopBukkit.proxyPassword=<password>
Disable SSL verify
To force ignore the SSL errors, you can add this startup flags to disable SSL verify.