Work with Economy plugins
By default, QuickShop will request your installed economy plugin to format balance, but sometimes it may doesn't work (like eco plugin author returns a null), then QuickShop will fallback to internal economy formatter for make sure balance can be formatted.
Internal Formatter
Internal formatter only will be used when economy plugin's one doesn't work, but anyway, you can force enable it by tweak settings in config.yml:
#This should fix Vault or an economy plugin incorrectly processing the price and returning a "0" result.
#If you enable this setting, then QS will force use the "alternate-currency-symbol".
disable-vault-format: false
Then you can use these options to customize it:
#Whether to use decimal format to display money.
use-decimal-format: false
#The decimal format to display money in.
#The default is #,###.##
decimal-format: "#,###.##"
#If vault doesn't return a currency symbol, QuickShop will use this symbol.
alternate-currency-symbol: '$'
#If the currency symbol should be displayed on the right side (eg 1234$).
#By default, it is on the left side (eg $1234).
#Only works when disable-vault-format is true.
currency-symbol-on-right: false
#The maximum number of digits after the decimal.
#Set this to -1 to disable it. (Unlimited maximum digits)
maximum-digits-in-price: -1