
物品引用 (物品查找)

In some situations, only use Material name is not enough.


Think about, it's easy to limit a Stone price like this:

rules: # Rules set
cheap-stone: # Rules name, used for identifier and permission node (quickshop.price.restriction.bypass.<name>)
items: # Items in the rule (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html), or the reference the item lookup table by adding @ before the name
currency: # Currency name, If your plugin doesn't support multi-currency (Vault API), this section won't be used
- '*'
min: 0.01 # Min price (double)
max: 1.00 # Max price (double)

But if I want to limit a Slimefun gadget?

Create a item reference

Holding the item you want to create a reference for, then execute command /quickshop lookup create <name>.


And you can add @ prefix at the front of item name to use that reference.

rules: # Rules set
cheap-diamond: # Rules name, used for identifier and permission node (quickshop.price.restriction.bypass.<name>)
items: # Items in the rule (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html), or the reference the item lookup table by adding @ before the name
- "@purediamond"
currency: # Currency name, If your plugin doesn't support multi-currency (Vault API), this section won't be used
- '*'
min: 0.01 # Min price (double)
max: 1.00 # Max price (double)

Now you will only limit the price for item Pure Diamond!
