
Blacklist System

Server administrator can disable shop creation at/for world or items.

World Blacklist

The worlds added into shop.blacklist-world will be disabled for new shop creation.

#The list of worlds in which creating new shops is disabled.
- disabled_world_name

Item Blacklist

Item name based

Server administrator can add the item name that disallow used for shop creating into blacklist in config.yml:

#List of items that can't be sold in shops.
#Anyone with the quickshop.bypass.<itemID> permission can bypass it.
#Add the reference the item lookup table by adding @ before the name.
#For referenced item, the permission quickshop.bypass.reference will be used.
- Bedrock

The blacklist supports Item Reference

Item lores based

Server administrator can add the item lores that disallow used for shop creating into shop.blacklist-lores in config.yml:

#The list of lore keywords that are blocked from being sold.
#This will not affect existing shops!
- "SoulBound"

Legacy shops

New rules only blocks the shop creation, it won't affect all exists shops.