

QuickShop provides a ranks system to allow control the maximum shops that player can own.

Permission based

This feature is permission based and permission will be generated dynamically.


#Limits the amount of shops a player can create and own.
#Leave this as false if you're not using this feature! QuickShop will ignore the rest of this section.
use: true

#The default amount of shops a player can create.
default: 10

#Use old algorithm to calculate unlimited shops into limits.
old-algorithm: false

#Here you can bind the limit to specific permissions.
#Using the same format, you can add as many as you want!
quickshoplol: # node parent
#Players with quickshop.example permission can create 20 shops.
supervip: 20 # node child

Permission Node Generation

In the example above, all players can own up to 10 shops by default, BUT, a permission node quickshoplol.supervip was defined that allow player who have that permission own up to 20 shops.

Basiclly, a permission node generate by <node parent>.<node child>, that mean you can replace the quickshoplol and supervip etc to what you want.

#Limits the amount of shops a player can create and own.
#Leave this as false if you're not using this feature! QuickShop will ignore the rest of this section.
use: true

#The default amount of shops a player can create.
default: 10

#Use old algorithm to calculate unlimited shops into limits.
old-algorithm: false

#Here you can bind the limit to specific permissions.
#Using the same format, you can add as many as you want!
linustechtips: # node parent
#Players with quickshop.example permission can create 20 shops.
cotton: 12345 # node child

In this example, the player who have linustechtips.cotton permission can create up to 12345 shops.

Bypass permission

QuickShop doesn't have limit bypass permission, but you could set the number to a number that big enough like 999999.
When a player has multiple ranks, QuickShop will pick the biggest one (more shops).